About the Author

Hello, my name is Alan C, and I am the author/creator of this website.

I created this website for entertainment and educational purposes. I have been a mainframe computer programmer for over 40 years. During this time, the personal computer (or PC) came of age, and I learned how to use PCs and how to program them.

I have used countless programs over these years and have picked out the best for the different uses you may have. From documents to spreadsheets to flyers to the internet to videos, and so on. (I guess you get the picture).

I also helped individuals and small businesses over the years to help with each of their needs. So I have used lots of software and created documentation for the people to use the software they needed. I found that many people did not have any experience on computers, and those that did, did not know some of the basics of the software.

In teaching all of the people and the businesses procedures over the years, I decided to create this website and a YouTube channel to help all types of users the basics that they may be missing. Then on some occasions I will go more in-depth about a subject, thus the "Plus" in Tech Basic Plus.

If you prefer video rather than reading text, see these articles and others at my YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@basictechplus (Coming Soon)